Mastering Productivity: Proven Strategies to Maximise Your Time and Energy – Part 3 of 3

Mastering Productivity: Proven Strategies to Maximise Your Time and Energy – Part 3 of 3


Welcome to the third and final part of our journey to unlock your full productivity potential. In the first two parts, we explored essential strategies to overcome common productivity hurdles and advanced techniques to manage your time and energy effectively. Now, we dive even deeper into the world of productivity, unveiling additional strategies that will supercharge your personal and professional life.

Quick Links to the earlier parts of this blog series:

Mastering Productivity: Proven Strategies to Maximise Your Time and Energy – Part 1 of 3

Mastering Productivity: Proven Strategies to Maximise Your Time and Energy – Part 2 of 3

17. Start Your Day with Laser Focus: Eating That Frog

Each morning, your first 90 minutes are like a blank canvas, awaiting the stroke of your most meaningful, high-impact task. This concept, often attributed to Brian Tracy and coined as “Eating That Frog,” underscores the importance of tackling your most vital task early.

Consider it the breakfast for your productivity: it kick-starts your day, generates a sense of accomplishment, and sends a rush of endorphins coursing through your veins. This sets an energetic tone for the rest of the day, propelling you forward and carrying the momentum to complete other tasks.

Procrastination can act like a dark cloud, looming over high-value items and sapping your energy. What’s more, it carries a psychological cost – a constant reminder of unfinished business. So, when the day begins, take a deep breath, and eat that frog – confront the most impactful task head-on. Your productivity will soar, and you’ll find the energy and motivation to tackle the remaining challenges.

18. Schedule Time for Your Priorities

While to-do lists are invaluable, sometimes they need a companion in the form of a calendar. Scheduling your tasks within specific timeframes provides a structure that ensures nothing gets overlooked. As the saying goes, “What gets scheduled gets done.” Your calendar becomes a powerful tool to defend and protect your scheduled events.

Commit to them, no matter the format you prefer – be it a digital calendar, a paper planner, or a combination of both.

Stopwatch in hand

19. Embrace Parkinson’s Law: Set Your Own Deadlines

Parkinson’s Law, which suggests that “work expands to fill the time available for its completion,” is a revealing insight into the nature of productivity. It means that if you give yourself a generous timeframe to complete a task, it’s likely to stretch out unnecessarily. Conversely, setting more aggressive deadlines can harness the pressure of time to focus on the essential aspects of a task. When the stakes are high and the clock is ticking, your productivity soars, and you become extremely efficient.

Therefore, becoming great at setting your own deadlines is a valuable skill. It allows you to tackle projects with heightened intensity and avoid overthinking or overanalysing minor tasks. You will be surprised at how much more you can achieve when you harness the power of time management.

Without aggressive deadlines, you will grow minor tasks and make the unimportant important, thus wasting valuable time.

20. Daily Themes to Enhance Productivity

Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Square and co-founder of Twitter, is known for his approach to daily productivity. He assigns specific themes to different workdays, allowing him to manage his responsibilities across two companies effectively.

This concept goes hand-in-hand with batching – the practice of grouping similar tasks that require similar resources together for streamlined completion. By doing so, you minimize distractions and keep your focus razor-sharp. In an age of constant multitasking, this focus is a precious asset.

Post It notes

Research has shown that productivity can drop by up to 40% when we attempt to juggle several tasks simultaneously. Daily themes ensure that you allocate your mental energy to the most pertinent tasks, resulting in higher efficiency.

21. Resurrect Your Dead Time

Consider the time you spend commuting, to and from work, as a gold mine of potential productivity. For most people, this daily commute accounts for an hour or more of unused time. Instead of mindlessly listening to music or aimlessly browsing the internet, you can utilize this “dead time” more effectively.

One of the most productive uses of this time is to listen to audiobooks. This transforms your commute into a learning opportunity. But that’s just the beginning. You can use this time for reviewing your calendar and priorities, practicing mindset priming, engaging in gratitude exercises, deep breathing, and resetting your mental state. Additionally, you can record ideas and goals, ensuring that your commute becomes a valuable part of your daily routine.

22. Don’t Break the Chain: Consistent Practice

Consistency is the backbone of personal growth and skill development. When you’re trying to learn something or improve a skill, daily practice is paramount. A popular technique known as “Don’t Break the Chain” provides a visual representation of your commitment. Mark each day on a calendar when you complete the work you intended to do. Over time, you’ll create a chain or streak of successful days. The goal is simple – do not break the chain.

This method reinforces the idea that motivation is not the primary driver of action. It’s about showing up, whether you’re in the mood or not. By committing to the work consistently, you build a habit that transcends mere motivation. This technique can be particularly valuable when pursuing long-term goals, as it helps you stay on track even when faced with challenges or resistance.

Calendar Planner

23. Utilize Pit Stops for High Performance

Imagine your mind as a Formula 1 race car in a constant state of high-performance driving. It runs at extreme pressure, constantly pushing forward. And yet, even with these breaks, the goal is to finish the race in the minimum amount of time possible.

Just like a race car needs pit stops for tire changes and minor adjustments, your brain needs breaks to maintain peak performance. It’s easy to forget that the brain, too, requires moments of respite.

Research reveals that a happy brain is 31% more productive compared to a brain in a neutral or stressed state. This emphasises the importance of periodic breaks to maintain a positive mental state. These pit stops are not about engaging in activities that distract you, like social media or web browsing – these are “fake breaks” that don’t genuinely refresh your mind. It’s about stepping away from your work, getting some fresh air, or taking a short walk. Resetting your brain during these moments ensures that you are consistently operating at your best.

24. Effective Use of a To-Do List

Our working memory is like a post-it note with disappearing ink – it has limited capacity and can easily forget tasks. That’s why maintaining an effective to-do list is crucial for staying organized and productive. Several tools can assist you in this endeavor. You can opt for apps like, Todoist, or the more advanced Evernote, which can act as your digital brain. But even the timeless method of a pen and paper works equally well.

Todo List

Here are some best practices for making the most of your to-do list:

  1. Write it all down: When an idea or task comes to mind, jot it down immediately.
  2. Filter tasks: Regularly review your list and prioritize tasks.
  3. Assign time frames: Allocate a specific time for each task, so you are clear on what to do and when.
  4. Work only off today’s list: Focusing on the day’s priorities prevents feeling overwhelmed by a long list.
  5. Create a parking lot: For tasks that can be deferred, maintain a separate list.
  6. Rinse and repeat: Regularly update and refine your to-do list to ensure it remains effective.

25. Building Habits and Routines: Excellence through Consistency

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit


The above quote highlights the significance of our daily habits. Building and nurturing positive habits is a crucial aspect of consistent productivity. A habit consists of three core elements: a trigger, a routine, and a reward.

The trigger is the event that initiates the habit, such as your morning alarm. The routine is the action you perform, like heading to the gym or tackling your work tasks. Lastly, the reward is the positive reinforcement that motivates you to repeat the habit. Start small to make habits more manageable – the importance lies in cultivating the habit itself, rather than the immediate results.

Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you want to become tomorrow. By laying the groundwork for consistent habits, you’re paving the way for long-term excellence.

As we conclude our exploration of productivity, keep in mind that productivity is a journey, not a destination. By applying these strategies consistently, you’ll unlock your full potential and cast votes for a future of productivity and success. Each day provides an opportunity to put these principles into practice and steer your life toward the productivity and excellence you aspire to achieve. So, let the journey continue, and may your days be filled with accomplishments and fulfillment.

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